Updating your bio
Your bio is the core of your profile. It will have information about you, your experience, previous projects and how you approach your tasks.
To update your bio, scroll to introduction section and click on the pencil icon on the top right side. We recommend writing your own. If you're in need of inspiration, access the templates provided by Twine. Click 'Done' to save it.
Important - first 105 characters of your introduction will appear on your cover photo! We highly recommend checking whether the text does not cut off and editing accordingly.
To update your bio, scroll to introduction section and click on the pencil icon on the top right side. We recommend writing your own. If you're in need of inspiration, access the templates provided by Twine. Click 'Done' to save it.
Important - first 105 characters of your introduction will appear on your cover photo! We highly recommend checking whether the text does not cut off and editing accordingly.
Updated on: 15/08/2023
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