Articles on: Freelancers

How to: Add examples to your portfolio

Making your portfolio look visually stunning is really important to impress and client and win work from them. This is particularly important for visual freelancers, such as designers, videographers, illustrators and animators, but it's also important for other types of freelancers such as musicians, marketers and developers.

There are now two different ways to add examples to your portfolio:

New Project
New project with files

To upload either of these types of project visit your Manage projects page and select which type you would like.

New project

This option is for text and embedded links. You can use markdown text here to make your project description appealing and also embed links.
We advise the use of this type of project if you do not have a physical file to upload or you wish to link to external sites.

Here you can find out how to embed links within a project

Here is a guide on how to use markdown.

For this type of project you will be required to provide the following:

Title - This should be the title of the project or work. If it's video work, perhaps the title of the film, or if it's a website design, perhaps the name of the brand

Description - This should be a few sentences explaining the project and your links/embedded content. You can use hashtags to help the discoverability of the content. For example #logo #videoadvert #illustration.

Credit - Credit what role you were when working on this job. For example, were you a graphic designer, an animator, a video editor, etc as part of this project.

Click Create Project when you've added those details.

New project with files

This option is to create a project with a file attached.
You are only able to add one file per project.

To do this click 'New project with files' choose your file and it will begin to upload

For each file uploaded you need to add:

Title. This should be the title of the project or work. If it's video work, perhaps the title of the film, or if it's a website design, perhaps the name of the brand.

Cover image. This is an additional image from the upload. This can be a cropped screenshot for graphical or video work. For projects like marketing or copywriting that is not visual, you can use any image you wish to upload.

Description. This should be a few sentences explaining the project. You can use Markdown in your description. You can use hashtags to help the discoverability of the content. For example #logo #videoadvert #illustration.

Credit. Credit what role you were when working on this job. For example, were you a graphic designer, an animator, a video editor, etc.

Click Publish when you've added those details.

Depending on the size of the file, it may take a few minutes to get added to your portfolio. Video files may take over an hour to process. You can see the progress of your uploads in Manage Uploads.

If you want to achieve a high rank portfolio you will need the following amounts of examples based on your role:

Design or Illustration: 6 examples
Music or Photography: 3 examples
Video or Animation: 1 example

Need something else? Check out these related articles:

How to: Edit my portfolio

How to: Delete an upload

How to: Change the order of your uploads

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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